Monday, June 17, 2019

Summer Cover Endurance

Jim next to his newest frame near garage
We all have a garden friend (or more than one) who has their garden act together. Their garden skills and plant success with annuals, perennials, vegetables, or any plant type they grow, they grow well, very well. That's Jim, who lives and gardens in Jefferson County, just a bit west of Denver. 

Jim and Kathy live on a unique property on a quiet cul-de-sac with a sunny backyard that slopes upward to showcase his fine collection of cacti, pollinator friendly perennials, vegetables throughout, including several raised beds, shrubs, trees and greenhouse. He also has bee hives and hotels, rain barrels, a compost area and attractive patio with pergola and decked out grill. It's truly a garden paradise!

A few years ago Jim became more than fed up with our unpredictable spring weather and the havoc that severe rain, hail and heat had on his vegetables. He was hailed out one too many times and said, enough! Jim did what any inspired, do it yourself, clever gardener would do - he built a permanent frame over his raised beds with easy roll screen cloth that serves as hail protection and shade from extreme temperatures in the nineties that often reduce flower blooming and fruit. He used one-inch electrical conduit, any height could be made. The corner fittings and rolled shade cloth were purchased online.

The key to success in permanent frames is to make sure the posts stay in place with our fifty-plus mile per hour stormy winds plus quick access to the screens - he's accomplished both. Jim is retired and pays close attention to weather forecasts. If the day or week looks iffy, he'll roll out the shades and relax while other gardeners fret and fuss if they're in the hail sweet spot that day. 

Jim's Framed Raised Beds and Greenhouse

Frame View Underneath and Top View, Shade Cloth is Easy to Roll over the Frame, fastened with Metal Clamps

Permanent Metal Posts for Frames

Rolled Out Screen over Tomato and Pepper Transplants (he started in his greenhouse)

Photo below taken by Jim after a heavy hail storm in 2018

1 comment:

  1. Jim constantly inspires me with his creativity and passion for growing on the front rage. He is a resource who continues to encourage his community.


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