Monday, August 19, 2019

Fall Vegetable Planting 2019

"Even though it's hot outside by the time the seeds emerge and get growing, they'll be cooling off just fine (so will we)."  

The third/fall season of vegetable planting is here, you might have gotten an earlier start a few weeks ago by direct seeding some of the longer maturing cool crops like broccoli, Brussell's sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower. That's good planning, there's still time for other seeds, get going!
Along the Front Range of Colorado we typically use mid-October as the first frost or freeze date, so focus on crops that will mature in about sixty days or less to be on the safe side. The seed packet will list days to harvest. 

Check the chart below for plants that can be seeded through August and into early September. The list includes several other cool season vegetables and their best window for seeding and planting, some are perennials vegetables.

Tuck in seeds wherever there is room in the landscape or vegetable area. Try the shady side of taller crops like tomatoes or corn. This location keeps the plants cooler late in the day.

Cool season vegetables and herbs that can be seeded right now in early to mid August include beets, broccoli raab, cilantro, Swiss chard, collards, bunching onions, parsley, peas (green harvest only, probably won't get peas).

Warm season vegetables and herbs that can be seeded right now include basil, bush beans, slicing cucumber, okra, New Zealand spinach, summer squash. No delays, get them seeded now!

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