Thursday, February 13, 2020

Fresh Flower Care - Did Someone say be my Valentine?

Whether receiving a valentine card or a box of confectioner's delights, keeping a fresh bouquet of roses or flowers for several days of enjoyment is a piece of cake! 😍  

Fill a clean vase half way with lukewarm water that has sat out for several hours. Mix in half or the entire preservative bag that comes with the flowers. Or, make your own preservative by mixing a quart of water with two tablespoons of lime or lemon juice, one tablespoon of sugar and one half tablespoon of bleach. Cut flowers last twice as long when using a preservative versus just plain water. Both preservatives prevent bacteria growth which shortens your enjoyment.

Another important step is to remove all the leaves and foliage that will be under the water. This looks pretty and helps keep the water clear. 

Also cut the stems under running water while taking an inch off the bottom of the stems. Use a knife instead of scissors (prevents crushing the stems) and cut them at a 45-degree angle which allows better water update.Location is key to flower longevity. Place the arrangement in a cool spot away from direct sun, cold, hot drafts, direct heat and light from appliances.  

Closed buds on roses will open more quickly in a warm room but put them back in a cool spot once they open for longer enjoyment.  

Add more lukewarm water every day and every fourth day change the water along with adding another preservative packet (or half) or the homemade solution.  

Hopefully your special gifting valentine transported the flowers home in a protective insulated bag, box or beverage cooler (take the cooler in the store to warm up). Any exposure to cold temperatures will cause the bouquet to brown and become joyless in a day or two. 😢 

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