Sunday, December 27, 2020

January 2021

If you're a regular subscriber to this garden blog, no doubt you've noticed my scant posts the past several weeks. I've truly missed sitting down and scribbling out my garden ideas that might work for you in your garden setting.

As you've probably also gathered, I do this blog for fun and to provide garden trust worthy information for the Rocky Mountain region. I keep the content as factual and research based as possible - thank you CSU Extension and countless other quality land grant institutions and other horticulture resources. 

Special thanks always to Ms. Susan Clotfelter, formerly of The Denver Post who reached out to me out of the blue in 2012 to begin a freelance writing column entitled Garden Punch List during the busy growing season months from late March through the fall. She also encouraged me in other ways to reach new to experienced gardeners, this blog is one example. Other wonderful Denver Post editors have kept me happily busy writing Punch List and other garden related feature articles for many seasons. Thank you all.

I'm happy that this blog does not include ads, which to my mind just clutters up the content and are simply annoying. 

All this to say that I took some much needed time off from writing regularly these past couple of months to focus on other areas of my life that needed focus and my full attention. No concern needed, my family (near and far) are well, thankfully, including Glen, my husband, and Ferris the rowdy soft coated wheaten terrier. Ferris has taken up the annoying habit when he's bored of chewing on larger chunks of wood mulch which are everywhere in the side yard. Maybe it's an old age thing, he'll be eleven in June of 2021. Where does the time go?

I'm still mulling over the future of writing this garden blog on a regular basis and I'll let you know as soon as I decide. I may turn to a different writing project all together and take up other hobbies I've always wanted to try and learn. What's exciting about not knowing for sure, is it allows me plenty of time to consider all the options. 

One area I won't ever be giving up is gardening, both indoors and outside. In my book, there's simply no down side to this lifetime activity. Despite the many years of enjoyment and success with homegrown produce and smart landscape plantings, there have been scores of poor plant choices, plant death and the dreaded tomato blight. 

Gardening will always remain a passion and a joy.

In the meantime, dearest reader, there are several years of blogs that are still very applicable to every month of the gardening calendar which can easily be found and read via the search feature. All the other helpful links under the headings on the left hand side of this blog will be kept up-to-date.

Thank you for taking your time to read my garden blog over the years, it means more to me than you'll ever know.

My very best to you always.

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