By late June, gardens are growing and blooming in full stride — mostly.

Lawn areas may need a quick RX for bare spots. And why do plants fail shortly after planting?The squirrels are driving us squirrely, is it possible to better coexist with them?


There is an easy way to patch bare spots on lawns in the heat of summer. (Betty Cahill, Special to The Denver Post)
There is an easy way to patch bare spots on lawns in the heat of summer. (Betty Cahill, Special to The Denver Post)

Dead lawn patches and areas are easy to detect during the outdoor growing season. If the water conservation bug hits you or if lawn management has become more than a burden, consider a partial or full lawn replacement. Work with a competent, experienced landscape contractor who is familiar with all phases of lawn replacement and can help plan and match a landscape tweak or redo with your current growing conditions.

Parched lawn is different than dead lawn. A good way to distinguish the cause is to physically watch automatic sprinkler heads water all the zones. Repair the obvious: Broken and tilted sprinkler heads, below-grade heads, water pressure issues and plugged heads are easy to spot and repair. Lawn areas not getting enough water usually recover nicely once sprinkler issues are resolved.